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  • Writer's pictureCassidy Spendlove

A Shout-Out to my Brides

I absolutely love being a wedding photographer and also planning my own wedding! It makes it so easy to chat with my Photos by Cassidy brides. I see things from their perspective, I know their excitements, and I understand their struggles. My brides are all so sweet and check in on me and my planning for the big day while I also get to work with them on theirs. Honestly if I could invite y'all to my wedding I would! So here's a shout out to my amazing clients (along with some friends and family) who gave me some advice on how to have the perfect wedding day!

Using a planner and spreadsheets to keep track of expenses.

I love the Happy Planner series because everything is so customizable. I purchased the wedding planner extension pack but they also have a full planner option as well. My favorite part of this pack is the timeline check list that goes over everything you need to do 12 months before your day up until the night before.

"Make sure you do what YOU want and not what others expect you to do (ahem family). It;s your day and you get to make the rules" also "don't get hung up on making everything perfect. Do what you can and let other people take on what you can't!"

- my friend and fellow creative, Jordyn

Have fun and savor the little moments.

Most wedding days will have their hiccups and the timeline won't always go as planned but the most important thing is sharing the day with your new husband or wife. Little details like ring shots, candid photos, or a moment together with no one else around will make all the planning and stress so worth it.

And of course most of all, enjoy the day!

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